Saint Andrew - Little Snoring [Link]
© Godric Godricson
The lovable rascals in the Diocese of Norwich have allowed large scale vandalism to take place in this wonderful building. The Authorities have somehow hollowed out the centre of this ancient and magnificent structure and left a cement colour to prevail along with a sort of unkempt dustiness to manifest itself. This is a magnificent building that shines forth from its location only to disappoint the searcher after truth when they enter and find a somewhat despoiled interior.
The small flowers at the entrance are welcoming and the building is open which is always a good start to a visit although that is just about where it ends. The spirit of God and traditional devotion has gone. Would it be too much to have a faint and vague smell of incense in the building to evoke that certain something? The faintest whiff of incense inspires a devotional sense and atmosphere and does something to help dispel the gradual slide towards dereliction.
The graveyard is plainly sad and has been cleared away for the ease of the rotary mower and once again the Anglican Authorities have 'got away with it'. An often Protestant Church that makes claims to be a National Church is not 'National' in any real way. The Established Church is becoming a broken chain that has little contact with the public. They will soon start to resemble some of the 'Continuing' Anglican denomination around the world.
Saint Andrew - Little Snoring [Link]
© Godric Godricson |